People usually go to gym to gain muscle mass and building strength in their body. A big part of this muscle gain is the biceps, triceps and the forearms. People usually lift barbells and dumbbells for the arm exercises but still workout machines are required to target the specific muscle more efficiently. These machines provide a proper approach for a more effective workout experience. Some of the most used machines which are used in the gym for proper arms workout are: –
i) Bicep Curl Machine
It is one of the most popular and most widely used equipment which is found in every gym and is mainly used for effectively targeting the bicep muscle. Along with it, it also targets the upper arm muscles and act as a good option for both the beginners and the advanced gym goers.
It involves minimum involvement of the body ensuring that the focus remains solely on the bicep muscle. The lifter uses the strength of the bicep muscle to provide a fix range of motion for the machine. The weights of the machine is adjusted according to the ability of the lifter.
ii) Tricep Pushdown Machine
This machine is appropriate for properly targeting the tricep muscle which is located at the back of the upper arm. It has weights attached through a cable pulley system with a bar or rod attachment. The user has to grip the rope or bar and fully extend his arms against the weights.
It specifically targets the tricep muscle and helps to build arm strength. The weight of the machine can be adjusted according to the ability of the user. Since it provides a fix range of motion it reduces the chances of any chance of an injury significantly.
iii) Preacher Curl Machine
It is specifically used to target the lower portion of the bicep and improve the arm strength. It consists of a padded bench with a slanted surface where the users put their upper arms to rest. The angle of the bench is kept such that to ensure that the biceps are the only muscles involved in doing the work. The user has to curl the weight towards themselves and away by contracting and expanding the bicep muscle.
Since this machine ensure that you sit, there is a less chance of a back strain injury which is usually common in exercises which are performed without equipment like the standing curl exercises.
iv) Cable Machine for Bicep Curls and Tricep Extensions
This cable machine equipment can be used for both biceps and triceps muscles and can prove very effective for muscle growth and good arm strength. For bicep curls the bar can be attached to a low pulley and can be curled to the face using an appropriate weight. Similarly, for tricep extensions users can attach a rope or a bar to the upper pulley and extend their arms downwards. The machine allows smooth and consistent movement against the resistance offered by weights.
v) Dip Machine
Dips are a form of exercise which targets the triceps along with chest and shoulders. This machine provides a safer approach to the traditional dips. It consists of a set of parallel bars or handles using which the users have to pull their body upwards.
The machine mainly targets the tricep muscle but also engages chest and shoulders making it great for the overall compound movement of the body. The machine can also help in lifting the body making it ideal for those who are unable to do traditional dips.
vi) Smith Machine for Arm Exercises
Smith machine is mainly used for heavy lifting and can significantly improve the arm strength. It can be used for a wide variety of exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and even bench presses. It consists of a barbell rigidly fixed to a vertical tracking allowing for only the upward and downward movement. Smith machine is particularly useful for exercises which require stability like the tricep extensions or the incline curls.
vii) Reverse Preacher Curl Machine
Reverse Preacher Curl is used for targeting the forearm muscles which are generally ignored by many traditional workout plans. It strengthens the brachioradialis, a muscle in the forearm, along with the biceps. It works by positioning the arms in a palm-down grip, which more effectively targets the forearm muscles compared to a traditional bicep curl.
The machine helps preventing swinging or using momentum reducing the risk of cheating. Besides this it also improves the grip strength which can also help improve performance in other lifting activities.
Including a variety of gym workout machines in your workout routine provides an excellent way to build muscle strength, gain muscle mass and improve the bicep, tricep and the forearm muscles. Machines significantly reduces the chance of an injury by providing a more controlled and focused environment for specific muscle groups. Machine workouts should be complemented with other workouts for an effective training routine.
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